Solving outlet location issues in a kitchen

From time to time I run across a situation in a kitchen where code requires an outlet to be in a location but there is limited space in which to install one. A couple of examples of this are in an island and also on an exterior wall where there is a long run of windows to the counter and not room for any outlets. I have been very successful using “pop up “outlets that take care of these issues. They are mounted directly in the countertop and pop up when needed. There are also times when a client does not wish to see any outlets and these are perfect in that there show minimally in the counter when closed.
pop up outlet
Also, something exciting has happened with outlets today. We now have the option of installing an outlet that has a USB port. This is so nice in that there is no more searching for the cube, we just plug the cord right into the outlet.So convenient and handy.

Remember though before installing any of these items always check with your local municipality for the code requirements when using such devices.